RavenBot Workshop : Carvings from Q4, 2023

#200, Magnus Strongwallop

23.12 Huzzah! Last carving of the year and this fellow is sending it out with ferocity.

#199, St. Nick

23.12 Traditional Santa carved for my wife for our Christmas decor. Carved based on a Dale Green roughout.

#198, Hans Frozentoe

23.12 Carved for a gift exchange at the office.

#196, Shortstout Runecoat

23.11 A smaller dwarven warrior with royal blue battlecoat emblazoned with silver runes.

#195, Snowman Ornament

23.11 For our carving club’s gift exchange

#189-194, 197, “Noggins”

23.10-11 A focused session of head and face studies working on/toward s a warrior’s shouting expression.

#188, Tunderchunk Nogginkrush

23.10 My first larger warrior of the dwarven type here. Lots of learning along the way and the springboard for upcoming face and head studies…


2024 Q1 Carvings


2023 Q3 Carvings