RavenBot Workshop : Carvings from Q4, 2023
#200, Magnus Strongwallop
23.12 Huzzah! Last carving of the year and this fellow is sending it out with ferocity.
#199, St. Nick
23.12 Traditional Santa carved for my wife for our Christmas decor. Carved based on a Dale Green roughout.
#198, Hans Frozentoe
23.12 Carved for a gift exchange at the office.
#196, Shortstout Runecoat
23.11 A smaller dwarven warrior with royal blue battlecoat emblazoned with silver runes.
#195, Snowman Ornament
23.11 For our carving club’s gift exchange
#189-194, 197, “Noggins”
23.10-11 A focused session of head and face studies working on/toward s a warrior’s shouting expression.
#188, Tunderchunk Nogginkrush
23.10 My first larger warrior of the dwarven type here. Lots of learning along the way and the springboard for upcoming face and head studies…