LandOps Savahia, 02.16


About a year ago a friend of mine (@aventuraseeker) mentioned an event called Land Ops ( or In short, a Land Ops event is a group activity of four-wheeling and geocaching with HAM radios used for communications and control. After lurking on their site for a while I made it out to one of their mini-ops and was totally hooked. This weekend I participated in my first full day event, it was a “recon op”, the primary goals were wayfinding and reporting on trail (or lack there of) conditions and difficulty. I learned quite a bit, put the Tundra through some places I probably shouldn’t have gone and collected a new assortment of pinstripes.

The eastern CA desert is an austere place.

The eastern CA desert is an austere place.

The Land Ops group campsite at night.

The Land Ops group campsite at night.

On top of camping, its a great opportunity to geek out. Try out your gear, test what works (and what doesn’t) and learn along the way.

My Land Ops comms loadout.

Inside the truck I run Motion X on an old iPad with a Bad Elf GPS. This trip I saw some other mapping aps and will give one of them a try.


Timeline of the whole trip. Top line is elevation, bottom is speed over time. You can see the gap just past halfway where I got stuck.


Lastly, its always best to travel with others. I was with a number of Jeeps and the Tundra was the heaviest and longest vehicle. I got it stuck pretty well when I chose the wrong line and proceeded to dig it in on the side of a wash. With some careful pulling and then a winch backwards the truck was free and I picked a better line and drove out.

On the way home I sidetracked to Nelson, NV an amazing little photo spot that is just loaded with nice oddities. If you're in the area, don't miss it. Well worth dropping a $5 or $10 bill in their donation envelope!

And don't forget to have fun!


Winter Watercolors, 2014


Little Finland, 01.16