B.B.B.B. and Family Camping, 7.20
Our initial summer plans were derailed due to the ‘rona so we came up with a nice vacation plan for a mix of exploration days and zero mile days. We ventured up…

CO Vacationmoon, 07.19
For our Vacation / Honeymoon - AKA “Vacationmoon” we packed a couple extra days into our trip to Colorado and took in some sights new to both of us, some new to me, and some new to Beth.

UTCO Vacation, 07.18
If you followed last year's vacation post you'll recall that we met up with a group of fellow Land Cruiser owners in Breckenridge, this year marks the 4th Annual 200 Series Land Cruiser Destination Club (#200LCDC) and was held in Telluride, CO. On our way to CO, we spent a few days wandering…

Quick Winter Getaway, 12.17
For the first time in years I took the week between Christmas and New Years off. It was time to get a few nights of camping in, ultimately ending up in Vegas to attend a wedding with Beth. Christmas Day I had everything loaded and ready, so the next morning I was on the road about 6AM.