RavenBot Workshop : Carvings from Q3, 2024

2409, New Knives & Books

24.09 I received new Flexcut Pro knives and a few books. The knives had a date with the sander sisters in the garage to reduce the overall size of the handles and I started some knife-only whittles from the Charles Banks book. Charles’ book is one of the best books I’ve bought. Its packed with good insight and reference photos. Pics of the Flexcut knives during mods and in their unmodified state lined up with some of my other favorites.

#238, Frank’s Chunkenstein

24.09 Another small, stocky & spooky fellow…

#237, “Go Pack” big backpack gnome

24.09 This Greenbay fan has everything he needs to watch the big game, except maybe snacks…

#236,Count Chunkula

24.09 A spooky little vamp.


24.09 Carved for a buddy who’s got this fun tiki mascot

#234, Jonas Wanderfoot

24.08 Tallest big backpack gnome yet! Measures just over 12” high with the base.

#233, Jimmy Beleutchenhut

24.08 My fourth big backpack gnome with his lantern hat and backpack essentials.

#232, Flat Plane Santa

24.08 Carved from a John Overby bandsaw roughtout in a flat plane style.

#231, Gerald Waldomar

24.08 Waldo’s long lost uncle, Gerald was carved from a basswood roughout from Roger Stegall.

#230, Monsieur Philippe Croque

24.08 This ham and cheese connoisseur involved removing a lot of wood in a smaller area. Carved from a 2” block and measuring about 8-1/2” tall, there’s a lot of fun details jammed in there. I can see doing many more of these with taller and more ridiculous packs and contents. Kitchen sink anyone?

#229, Oswald Greencap Vogelhaus

24.07 Oswald started out as a much larger block than Wompel and is 12” tall. Lots of material to remove but he was such a fun carving to find that it was well worth the effort.

#228, Wompel Agnew

24.07 So I had this idea after carving some smaller things like the #9 below that it would be fun/funny to carve a little gnome with a big backpack. Well, yes it is, and there’ll be more of these.

24.07, Nine Little Whittles

24.07 Spent some time carving small and did these 9 little guys all from 1” basswood stock. Good challenge to carve that small and enjoyed the process. Following that I did some test finishes with them and documented the differences.

Disclaimer - apparently I lost track of when a quarter starts and ends. These carvings below should be back in Q2 2024.

24.06, Noggin’ finishes

24.06 Testing and notes on different finishes.

#227, Zavier "Bugsy" Treeman

24.06 A fun treeman figure from a Rich Weatherbee roughout.

#24.06, The “Noggins”

24.06 For practice I set out to carve more ‘noggins’ taking inspiration from Joe You, Pete Leclair, Marv Kaisersatt and my own ideas. I think if I carve enough of these I’ll find my own style based on this strong foundation… practice… practice… practice…

#226, St. Nick

24.06 After finishing up a bunch of carvings from the Rocky Mountain Carvers Roundup, I felt like doing something fun and easier so here’s a rare Santa! He has a quilted cloak, icy hiking staff and flowing beard.


2024 Q4 Carvings


2024 Q2 Carvings