One Month After, 10.24

First off, this post is really for myself, but I don’t mind sharing.

About a month ago, I was informed that my position at 5.11 had been eliminated. 19-1/2 years of dedication gone in four minutes. It was, and still is, surreal. Existential.

Since then, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about, well, everything. But especially about my work and where I put my emotional value. The first week was a blur - just trying to breath and not hurl. For the three weeks following that I’ve spent more time in introspection than I’ve had in several years. Things I see in retrospect now that I missed and more that I recognize now with clarity. I’m writing this today from my hometown (Modesto, CA) and have spent the last few days writing, visiting with old friends (how’d we all go grey so fast?) and some special time with my mom and dad.

I’m so thankful for the friends who have called, commented, messaged and emailed, your support has been incredible and something not taken for granted. I value those friendships more than I ever acknowledged. Above all of those friends I’m thankful for my wife Beth and her support and listening to the emotional genie that’s come uncorked.

I’ve taken to walking in the mornings and working up to longer and longer walks. That’s been a great way to start the day off with a clear mind.

Regarding this blog and my normal-ish entries, they’ll return. I did get some carving done and a camping trip in the last couple of months, but this post makes them less important to share.

In addition to updating my resume I’ve spent a lot of time writing some new white papers that can be found in a new section of this website under the Creative Ops menu at the top right, give them a read if you’re interested. I’d love to hear some feedback as I’m hoping t strike a balance between brevity and quality info – without getting into the weeds. ;)

About the top photo - I’m exceptionally proud of the work I produced while at 5.11, the relationships built and the experience I’ve earned. I removed the 5.11 sticker off both vehicles for the time being. I’ll forever be a #511OG, but for this next season in life I’m looking forward. :)

Lifetime buddies all.


Sizzlin’ Summer, 8.24